Media Contact: Jennifer Sharp
Sunday, September 1, 2019
The Memphis Association of Black Journalist is gravely concerned about the images and the message behind the cover of the September issue of the Memphis Magazine. While we have received words of concern about the magazine’s cover, MABJ finds the images on the cover of the September issue unflattering and does not paint either of the three mayoral candidates in a positive light.
We acknowledge the move of Contemporary Media CEO, Anna Traverse, stopping the circulation of the September issue of the Memphis Magazine. However, we ask this be taken as a teachable moment. All art does have a place in the universe, but it doesn’t mean questionable art should be displayed on the cover of a magazine named after a city we all are working to unify. That art should always be vetted thoroughly before circulation.
MABJ believes firmly this situation opens the door for Contemporary Media to revisit the diversity of its editorial board. Going forward, I offer the opportunity for the artist and leaders from Contemporary Media to begin dialogue about this situation with MABJ and its members.
About MABJ:
The Memphis Association of Black Journalists (MABJ) is an affiliate chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists providing advocacy for black journalists based in Memphis, Tennessee.
About NABJ:
The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) is an organization of journalists, students and media-related professionals that provides quality programs and services to and advocates on behalf of black journalists worldwide.